our story
Manifest Crystal Bar was founded in March of 2022. We are a small, woman-owned online business currently based in Houston, Texas.
Hi! My name is Ashley and I am a single mom to an 8-year old daughter, named Aria. Our story starts in March of 2020. After doing some serious soul searching at the beginning of the pandemic, I was gifted my first "big girl" crystals by a woman who did cleansings for me, and whom I considered a mentor. As a child, I was always collecting rocks, but the one's I was gifted... these were so sparkly! I soon realized my love for crystals and found a few crystal groups on social media. Since this was during the pandemic and I was working from home at the time, I would spend my evenings on Live crystal shows spending all my money! I would study their healing properties and I fascinated with their amazing energies! That love quickly turned to obsession, and thus, a hobby collecting crystals was born!
Having my own business was something I always wanted to obtain, but I didn't know what or how to proceed. I felt stuck because I didn't have a degree in anything else other than funeral directing. I was a funeral director for 7+ years, and that's all I felt I knew. Being a Crystal Dealer never crossed my mind. Not even while doing manifestation work. Looking back now, I laugh when I think how I would write down that I wanted to find a hobby and turn it into a business. For several months I didn't know what I wanted to do.
Fast forward several months later and a huge and very obvious light bulb went off in my head. HELLO! It was in front of me all along, yet I didn't see it.
I was always talking about manifesting and crystals to my family and friends. Why not turn that into my business? After getting some guidance from another shop owner and woman I considered a mentor, I finally felt I was equipped with enough knowledge and tools I needed to start my journey as a small business owner.
I chose the name Manifest Crystal Bar because manifest is my favorite word in the metaphysical world. You can literally manifest anything you want as long as you meet the universe half way. Manifesting is also scientifically proven for all you skeptics out there! I personally have many positive experiences that seemed impossible to achieve at the time, but with manifesting, I made shit happen!
So, why shop with Manifest Crystal Bar?
It's simple. My goal for Manifest Crystal Bar is to provide quality products at reasonable prices so everyone has the opportunity to experience the luxury and beauty Mother Earth has to offer. Believe me, I know collecting crystals isn't a cheap hobby to have, and I want to make it easier on my customers.
Every item in our shop is personally selected with great love, care and intention. I will not sell something that I wouldn't be happy purchasing for myself. I am VERY picky with what we offer. For context, it took me well over a year to finally find a jeweler I was more than happy with, even when I had many customers asking for our shop to sell jewelry. Though I wanted to find someone quickly to keep up with the demand, I knew I needed and wanted to take my time to find quality items that last and would be happy wearing myself. I take the reputation of my business seriously and I don't "settle" on our inventory. Many times I’ve given away products from an order I wasn’t comfortable selling to my customers. Either the quality of the item wasn’t what I thought it was, or it arrived damaged.
When it comes to the packing process, we take our time getting your order prepped. We don’t just throw your order in a box and slap a label on it, we take great pride in wrapping them and find the packaging process therapeutic. Your items are cleansed with sound vibrations before sending them on their way. I literally worry about your package until it's in your hands. Our customers can vouch for me! I will personally check in with you about your order until it's safely delivered. Your packages are like my babies until they reach you!
Lastly, I leave you with this. No matter where you are on your spiritual path or crystal journey... or maybe you haven't even started, don't believe (that's okay!), or are just curious about crystals or the metaphysical world- you are welcomed here with open arms.
I hope to earn your business so you can see what set's us apart from this oversaturated industry. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me on social media. I am happy to help you identify crystals and give you more information on any of our products. If you've read this far, thank you for your time!
Here's to manifesting and finding the products you vibe with!